woensdag 20 maart 2013


Nenu Artisan Baker

Today we had a very busy program. First we visited Nenu Artisan Baker. That is a baker who wants to keep the traditional Maltese baking alive. There we had a workshop where we made some kind of 'pizza' (excuses to the Maltese who are reading this, I couldn't remember the proper name). Before we began everybody had to put on an apron, a hair net and latex gloves before they were allowed to touch the food. It started with bread dough in a rectangular baking tray. We had to pour some olive oil on the dough and to spread the dough with the oil on top with our hands so it filled the whole tray. Then you put some onion rings, tomato slices, capers, olives, sausages, sesame seeds and cheese on it (whatever you liked). Finally we had to bake it in the oven for a few minutes and then we had a very tasty bread. While the bread was baking we watched a film about the philosophy behind Nenu the Artisan Baker.

Upper Barraka Gardens

After we left the baker we climbed up to the Upper Barrakka Gardens, where we arrived just in time to see the saluting shot coming from the cannon. There we had lunch, or, if you didn't feel like eating, you could go shopping in the neighbourhood.

Malta 5D Multimedia Show

Next it was time to see the Malta 5D Multimedia Show. We got nice yellow rimmed 3D glasses (that looked for some reason orange at the end of the show). In the show we saw a brief history of Malta with some spectacular re-enactments. Amongst others we saw the Great Siege of 1565 and the siege of Malta in the second world war. This accompanied by feeling the movements, feeling the wind and rain in your face and smelling the bread. For the ones who know the Efteling: Think Pandadrome and you get the picture. A few hours after the show my ears are still ringing because of the screams of some of the girls.

Lascaris War Rooms

After the 5D show we got some free time for shopping (or going to the McDonalds, as some kids did). Then we went to the last programme item of today: the Lascaris War Rooms. First we saw a documentary from the WWII that showed the adventures of a big convoy of ships trying to reach Malta. They finally succeeded, just in time for the starving population. After the film we went to the command centre of the British army in Malta. This was used to coordinate the defence of Malta in the first few years of the war. Later it became the command centre of the allied forces in coordinating the attack on Sicily and Italy. Also the famous British general Montgomery and US general Patton where stationed there at the time. The visit to the Lascaris War Rooms ended this days programme.
For tomorrow we also have an interesting programme, but more about this later.

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